The Doctrine of Spiritualism to Discover Man’s Purpose in the Universe

Spiritualism – The Discovery of : What is the “Connection” between man and Sun? Does man have the physical and intellectual ability or capacity to harness Solar Energy to maintain his living functions?  Man is a spiritual being as his existence demands the presence of a vital, animating, Life Principle that can be named as soul, or spirit. The purpose of soul or spirit involves the use of awareness or consciousness to obtain energy from an external source to maintain the fact or condition called living. Man has no ability to directly rule or govern the individual, independent living cells of his body that display functional autonomy. Man, to support his existence needs the integration of functions of the cells, the tissues, and the various organ systems that constitute the multicellular, complex organism. Soul or spirit is the agency that operates the guiding or controlling mechanisms to provide mutually beneficial relationships and interactions that have characteristics such as mutual assistance, mutual tolerance, mutual cooperation, and mutual subservience for the benefit of the person who exists because of those functions.