Man’s Future depends upon the Survival of a Human Population

Essentially, the modern synthetic view of evolution could be defined as a change in gene frequency. Evolution could be described as change in the genetic composition of a population through time. For purposes of speciation or separation into new species, we need to demonstrate cumulative and important changes in the population gene pool. In the last 250,000 years there is no evidence to show any important changes in the population gene pool. Practically speaking, man’s evolution into a new species is arrested because of the intervention of culture between man and his environment.

The Celebration of Telugu New Year Krodhi

The Telugu New Year is traditionally celebrated as Ugadi festival. A traditional holiday dish, a relish called ‘Ugadi Pachadi’ is prepared to reflect the tastes and flavors of the Spring Season which may guide to prepare for the New Year with a willingness to accept the different dimensions of human experience under the influence of Time.

The Celebration of Spring Season 2024

In the Indian tradition, the creative energy is personified as Goddess Madhavi, and Her consort Lord Madhava is the Controller of Creative Energy. Today, I seek Blessings of Lord Madhava and Goddess Madhavi to renew my creative energy and to guide expression of my thoughts using sweet words and to promote the well-being of all my readers and become a source of Happiness to all people.

The Celestial Drama on the Vaulted Dome called Sky

While Earth is spinning at an amazing speed, the man perceives Earth as a motionless object, and experiences the apparent motions of planets and stars. The speed of Earth’s motion, if perceived, is not compatible with human existence

A Long Night’s Reflections on the Magic of Creation

While the Sun shines all the time, man experiences the alternating periods of light and darkness and varying Seasons as if there are two worlds on the same Planet. Winter Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere is called Summer Solstice in the Southern Hemisphere. This separation of Light from Darkness is unique to planet Earth. The man has already discovered thousands of other planets. None of them share the ‘Rotational Spin’ characteristics that set Earth apart from all other heavenly objects.

Whole Dude explores the dimension of Everlasting Life to bring together past life, present life, and future life

I coined the phrase Whole Existence to examine the complexity of Time and Life interactions. Life is always derived from previously existing Life and Life by its very nature has the ability to reproduce and perpetuate its existence displaying its inherent capacity for a future existence or future Life.

Whole Dude defines Whole Concept in a changing World

The article explores the complex concepts of time, life, and their interconnected relationship through the cyclic events of birth, death, and rebirth. The author suggests that while time seems to move forward linearly, life functions under the perception of a cyclical flow, synchronized with natural phenomena like day and night, and changing seasons. The impacts of time lead to the inevitable dissolution of all animate and inanimate objects, compelling us to investigate the absolute and unchanging reality. The human perception of time, according to the post, is illusory and greatly influenced by space and position in the universe. Therefore, the cyclical flow of time is critical for the existence of life and the functioning of biological rhythms. The content also dialogues on philosophical viewpoints about change, permanence, identity, and individuality within the universal framework of time.

The Calendar and Date Organization depends upon the concept of Flat Earth

“Earth is Flat.” This statement can be verified using Pure Reasoning, by a rational interpretation of scientific theories called the Geocentric Theory, and the Heliocentric Theory.

My heart beats faster to celebrate Summer Solstice 2023

Every instant of Lifetime experience is a new experience which has not happened in the past and would not recur in the future for the man exists on the surface of a fast spinning planet which partakes in the motions of Sun and the motions of the Milky Way Galaxy. However, Time seems to flow in a cyclical manner and the man experiences the varying Seasons with constancy.