The Rudi-Grant Connection at Whole Foods celebrates World Brahmin Day seeking the Discovery of true or real Self

The term Knowledge is intimately associated with Brahman. Hence, the person identified as Brahmin is the Seeker of Knowledge, is the Teacher of Knowledge and the discoverer of his own true or real Self with the guidance of Knowledge

Mental Health – The Discovery of Self to promote physical, mental, social, moral, and spiritual wellbeing

If man is viewed as a multicellular organism, we need to discover the human nature of this subject who lives because of the functions of the trillions of cells. Hence, we need to know if human nature is displayed in the functional characteristics that are observable in biotic interactions of cells that constitute the human organism.

Mental Health – Look into the depths of Your own Soul to know Yourself

We need a theory that recognizes the spiritual nature of man’s living matter and the spiritual relationships that it formulates while developing and building the very complex multicellular human organism.

The spiritual relationship between the host, the guest, the food, and God

This entry is dedicated to the memory of those brave men who gave their precious lives fighting the massive Chinese aggression in 1962

The Rudi-Grant Connection finds a spiritual basis for describing man’s identity and individuality

Biology must use the concept of Soul/Spirit to identify each man as a Specific Individual with Individuality.

The Rudi-Grant Connection studies the Organ of Sight to know if man can see God

Photoreception by human eye requires energy and the energy is acquired by oxidation of organic molecules created during the Photosynthetic process. Plants have the ability called Photoreception and yet they do not have the capacity called Vision. Man has the ability called Photoreception and performs the sensory function called Vision and yet he directly, or indirectly depends upon the photorecognitive abilities of plants that cannot see the products of their photosynthetic function.

The Rudi-Grant Connection applies the principles of Cytology to study the spiritual substance of cancer and normal cells

The study of cancerous cell will help us to give our attention to the spiritual substance of the cell whose composition resists the changes caused by cancer which disrupts all other living functions of the cell.

The Rudolf-Rudi doctrine of Spiritualism proclaims the singularity of the man stands for the unity of body, mind, and soul

It may be correct to mention various parts of body and give names to different organs. But, the entire human organism is derived from Single, Fertilized Egg Cell

The Rudolf-Rudi doctrine of Spiritualism makes the distinction between the Living and the Nonliving Matter

The Rudolf and Rudi Connection at Whole Foods, Ann Arbor can be best described as the concept of Whole Spirituality, the three dimensional spiritual relationship between the multicellular human organism, food, and the Divine Providence.