Things are not What they Seem – The Perception of World

Human perception is the process and experience of gaining sensory information about objects and events of the natural world. The process of perception translates sensory stimulation into organized experience. That mental impression or percept is the joint product of the stimulation and of the process which involves the intuitive and rational parts of the brain. However, a real, physical world exists independent of man’s experience. A real, physical world has existed long before man’s arrival and man’s physical interaction with the elements of nature. The branches of Physics concerned with electromagnetic energy, optics, and mechanics describe the apparent physical world. When physical energy such as light interacts with the perceiving individual, percepts are formed. The degree of correspondence between percepts and the physical objects or events to which they relate also depends upon certain other external factors beyond human control. There could be a difference between the Real World and the ‘Perceived World’. Sometimes, man perceives physical objects or events that may not exist in reality, and yet other times man fails to perceive physical objects or events that may actually exist and the manner in which they really exist. These perceptual problems are not attributable to the sense organs and are not due to the inadequate sensory endowment.

Whole Dude defines Whole Concept in a changing World

The article explores the complex concepts of time, life, and their interconnected relationship through the cyclic events of birth, death, and rebirth. The author suggests that while time seems to move forward linearly, life functions under the perception of a cyclical flow, synchronized with natural phenomena like day and night, and changing seasons. The impacts of time lead to the inevitable dissolution of all animate and inanimate objects, compelling us to investigate the absolute and unchanging reality. The human perception of time, according to the post, is illusory and greatly influenced by space and position in the universe. Therefore, the cyclical flow of time is critical for the existence of life and the functioning of biological rhythms. The content also dialogues on philosophical viewpoints about change, permanence, identity, and individuality within the universal framework of time.