In Celebration of the Longest Day of the Year 2024

Every instant of Lifetime experience is a new experience which has not happened in the past and would not recur in the future for the man exists on the surface of a fast spinning planet which partakes in the motions of Sun and the motions of the Milky Way Galaxy. However, Time seems to flow in a cyclical manner and the man experiences the varying Seasons with constancy.

A Happy Place and Happier People is all about Workplace Happiness

Whole Dude Loves Whole Foods: The objective Standards for happiness at workplace are 1. Absenteeism, 2.Discipline, 3. Financial Security, 4. Sickness/Personal Injuries, and 5. Stress at Workplace. Using these criteria, Whole Dude claims that Whole Foods is a Happy Place with Happier People.


I say that ‘Whole Food’ is the nutritional substance that provides the experience of PEACE, HARMONY, and TRANQUILITY in Life and it helps man to live Whole Life; a Life of Satisfaction, Contentment, Happiness, and Joy.