In Celebration of the Longest Day of the Year 2024

Every instant of Lifetime experience is a new experience which has not happened in the past and would not recur in the future for the man exists on the surface of a fast spinning planet which partakes in the motions of Sun and the motions of the Milky Way Galaxy. However, Time seems to flow in a cyclical manner and the man experiences the varying Seasons with constancy.

The Rudi Connection at Whole Foods Celebrates a World of Reality operated by illusion such as the Summer Solstice

The complexities of Life cannot be understood without reference to the external dimensions of Time and Space. Every instant of Lifetime experience is a new experience which has not happened in the past and would not recur in the future for the man exists on the surface of a fast spinning planet which partakes in the motions of Sun and the motions of the Milky Way Galaxy.